Frugal Feathers

Louis Vuitton, Fall 2013.

Louis Vuitton, Fall 2013.

Obsessed does not begin to describe how I feel about the Louis Vuitton Fall 2013 looks. The drama, the glamour, the retro feel . . . all of it blew me away. Except for one part – the prices. What’s a fabulous poor girl to do? We all just want to channel our inner Hitchcock-retro girls at least once, don’t we?

Styled with Polyvore.

Styled with Polyvore.

Lo and behold, feathery visions that meet your sartorial needs and stay within your wallet’s limits exist! Hopped up on the grunge ’90s revival coming this fall? Take a feathery skirt and pair it with a slouchy sweater, then complete the look with low, menswear-inspired boots. Want a more girly approach to the fine animal texture? Try a dark and glamorous dress with tights and low-heeled booties and a richly colored feather ear cuff. The best part? Everything here is under $50. Now, that’s fabulous.



Foxy Boxy

Proenza Schouler Fall 2013. From

Proenza Schouler Fall 2013. From

Call it sculpted, call it rounded shoulders . . . we all know what word this look would bring to mind on us plebeians – “boxy.” While this is a hard look to pull off if you maintain the average BMI or above, where there’s a will, there’s a way. Never one to fight off a runway trend (except for flatforms and the revival of the Birkenstocks), I accepted the challenge of finding a way to attain this look with flattering and frugal results.

Styled with Polyvore.

Styled with Polyvore.

Here’s the casual look: boxy tee, skinny (yet boyfriend-esque) jeans, big jewelry, and a surprising red lip. Add boots to toughen it up, or pointed flats (quite similar to the Proenza look, no?) to glam it up.


Styled with Polyvore.

Styled with Polyvore.

Or invest in a trendy-meets-classic coat. Military style, cropped for fall or spring, or big and comfy with rounded shoulders – here’s how to fix them up. Ladies, a belt is your best friend. Keep it neutral with just a little shine for a minimalist feel. It’ll cinch in the waist, helping you escape the dreaded “I’m a box” effect, but it will also accentuate the sculpted shoulders, making you look couture on a budget. Now comes the fun part: statement jewelry. Every girl needs a big statement necklace or collar (I suggest checking out Aldo accessories… buy one get one free!), or channel your inner Dolce & Gabbana with big, colorful earrings.

Have fun with this trend, and remember – don’t be afraid to be fabulous!

The Liebster Award

The biggest thank you to Danica over at the blog styledsweetly for nominating FPG for the LIebster Award! If you aren’t following her blog, I suggest you do so now… it’s perfect for a dose of cuteness and some great fashion inspiration. 

The Liebster Award is for blogs with 200 followers or less. It requires you to share a bit more about yourself and recognize some of your other favorite beginner blogs. So here are a few random facts about me: 

1. I go to school in NYC, and while I’m racking up a lot of student loans (though not as much as some), I don’t think I’d change a thing – the opportunities, the people, the bright lights! Be still my heart! 

2. I changed my mind about what I wanted to do with my life about 4 times this past year.

3. I’ve finally settled on entrepreneurship (I want to start my own magazine) and writing.

4. I’ve never been on a plane… though this year I might take my first flight – internationally!

5. Since realizing my calling, I’ve ordered subscriptions to 3 magazines: Harper’s (forever my favorite), Elle, and Marie Claire.

6. I sometimes eat Tostito’s chips like they’re my crack.

7. I tore both my ACLs within two years.

8. I went to a Catholic high school, although I’m Protestant, but I met my bestie there so I don’t regret not going to public school.

9. I listen to movie soundtracks to fall asleep… composers like Hans Zimmer, Howard Shore, Alexandre Desplat, Nicholas Hooper.

10. Chocolate and peanut butter is the best combination of anything ever.

11. I slept in until 4pm once this summer. I don’t even know how I managed that one.

Here are ten answers for the ten questions styledsweetly gave me: 

1. What do you see for the future of your blog?

I hope to inspire people to embrace their own personal style and try out trends, without thinking of their budget as a restraint. I really look up to the blog that Shauna Miller founded… if I can help make one person’s wardrobe better without breaking the bank, I’m happy.

2. Why did you decide to do a blog?

I would love to write for a magazine someday, so I started a blog to practice fashion writing, and as a creative outlet. Also, I saw a lot of great blogs but they usually featured items that aren’t that accessible to the masses, so I wanted to do something for people that actually have a budget.

3. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Sometimes, I just don’t want to write a post. But once I sit down and get going, everything just flows. I guess I love that process where my ideas and words just come out smoothly.

4. What do you do for work?

In the summer – I waitress. School year – work study at school. I also have a virtual internship this summer and an editorial internship lined up in NYC in the fall.

5. What is your favorite thing about fashion?

How it’s complete expression of self and the world around you. It’s like a huge art show that everyone in the world can partake in.

7. What is your favorite fashion piece?

High fashion? Any McQueen, or Celine bags. Accessible fashion? My new purse from Call it Spring.

8. What is your favorite blog?

I follow a LOT of blogs, both on here and bloglovin’.. I’d have to say B. Jones Style, because of the What Would Carrie Wear? posts and how she actually just has fun with fashion.

9. What do you want to do with your life?

Ultimately – start my own women’s magazine, but with a twist.

10. What is your favorite quote?

“Never give up hope. Because when you give up hope, you give up everything.” 

Now (drumroll, please) for my nominees: 

1. Veloria in Velvet: What can I say? This girl has great style. I love her unique way of dressing and wish I knew how to layer like she does, too. Great for inspiration, and for good finds!

2. Knocked Up Fabulous: What’s better than a woman saying no sweatpants and yes to looking (and feeling) fabulous? How about a mother with two kids? Great looks, especially if you need some pregnancy fashion advice, and great inspiration to keep up being fabulous – no matter what the circumstances!

3. Unicorn Stylings: This fashion-forward blog makes me wish I lived on the West Coast. Love looking at the cute outfits for inspiration!

4: StyledSweetly: I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cuter mommy-baby duo. Whether you’re a college student that isn’t going to think about kids until age 30, or a mother yourself, this dose of cuteness is worth a follow.

5: My Fabulous Frugal Life: One of the sweetest bloggers, this girl knows how to make a budget work! Follow if you like learning about great steals for clothes, cooking, and wine (and if you don’t, then maybe go see a doctor).

That’s all! I love this little award for the smaller blog community, and I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about me 🙂 

What to wear Series: Sweaty and Chic

This has hardly been the hottest summer of my young life, but it’s hard to avoid the awful, sticky feeling that comes with working out in this humid season.  Because of this, I find myself grabbing whatever pair of shorts and t-shirt is lying around and completely disregarding what I look like. While this is fine for midday on an empty bike path, school is soon resuming, along with that season that shuts us all indoors: winter. So, to gain some more confidence to face the Jersey shore lookalikes and twiggy almost-models at my school’s gym, I’m thinking it’s time for a work out wardrobe update. How’s this for a chic way to get sweaty:

Styled with Polyvore.

Styled with Polyvore.

There are the go-to Nike tops, and while under $30, they’re still a little pricey for something I’m going to grunt and sweat in. So why not stop by Forever21 and other budget-concious stores for cheeky graphic tees to add some much needed humor to your work out routine? Bonus points for shirts with ‘nerd’ or ‘geek’ on it – you break those stereotypes, girl. Cool neon shorts, leggings, or baggy sweats for extra cold/lazy days finish off the perfect formula for being sweaty and chic.

10 beauty cheats every girl should know

Keira Lennox

1. Mascara wands make the best eyebrow brushes.

When it’s time to toss your latest tube of mascara, save the wand. Wash it clean with soap and water and, voila, free brow spoolie. (Tip: use it to put a little lip balm in your brows as a flexible-hold brow gel!)

2. Turn any eyeshadow into a long-lasting eyeliner with a drop of saline solution.

I learned this trick decades ago from Carmindy, the resident makeup artist on the TLC classic What Not to Wear. Wet an eyeliner brush with a drop or two of saline solution (the same stuff you use to clean your contact lenses). Then dip the brush into a powder eyeshadow and apply it like a liquid liner. When it dries, it’s sweat and smudge proof and lasts all day

3. Clean stained fingernails with a whitening toothpaste.

Even with…

View original post 561 more words

The Perfect Shorts

With summer in full swing, you may have noticed that you need a few more warm-weather staples to throw into your wardrobe. Here are a few round-ups of shorts that can fit any style or wardrobe – all less than $50!

Styled with Polyvore.

Styled with Polyvore.

First up, the classic jean shorts. Channel your inner Cara or Rihanna by wearing a pair with a more ’90s, rocker vibe. Think frayed, high waisted, ripped up, old school washes, and cuffs.

Styled with Polyvore.

Styled with Polyvore.

Something sweet a little more your style? Go for lace or floral prints. Vintage washes and cute bows can bring out the cute flirty girl in anyone.

Styled with Polyvore.

Styled with Polyvore.

Or go all out with a trendy, edgy look. Beetlejuice stripes don’t just stop with pants… here’s a shorter version to fit the weather. White with gold accents is a hip take on nautical. Leather is always in – bonus, where it in the fall with tights and booties! Or go for a more laid-back look with the polka dot trend.

The best part about all of these cute shorts? Their price! Pick a few and you’re sure to look fabulous all summer long.



Get this Fabulous Look – for Less!

Valentino Resort 2014. Taken from

Valentino Resort 2014. Taken from

Half the summer is now gone and it’s time to start thinking about the future ever so often. When looking ahead to ways to update your fall wardrobe, look no further than the Resort 2014 collections. Why? Because practically all of them can sashay seamlessly from the warm summer months to the crisper fall season. A cool blush color is one of the biggest trends from the runways, and you can have it too (without the runway price tag).

Styled with Polyvore.

Styled with Polyvore.

Getting the same material as the Valentino look is hard on a budget, but this outfit comes pretty close. Snuggle up in a blush colored sweater from J. Crew and go matchy-match with nice shorts – perfect for going out or to work. Shake up the look with bold flats; try a bright yellow ankle strap version or a fun printed pair. Want something a bit more toned down? Opt for an almost-neutral shoe with this cheetah print flat. Keep the makeup simple (like the model was styled) and keep accessories minimal for a clean aesthetic. A pair of studs and swipe of low key pink or nude lipstick is all you need to finish off this fabulous look.


It’s America’s birthday tomorrow, so I put together an outfit in celebration. Every fabulous poor girl loves to dress up for a holiday, but you can’t spend $50 on an outfit that you’ll only wear once a year. So here are a few pieces that will keep you looking patriotic for the big day, but can be worn other times of the year without seeming downright silly (you can even wear the pieces all together again!).

Styled with Polyvore.

Styled with Polyvore.

A cute tank with a hipster-esque rendition of the American flag is very Fourth of July, but is casual enough to last all summer long. Edgy ripped jean shorts are staples for any fashionista, as are a neat pair of sneakers (preferably Converse) or brown boho sandals. Add some cute bangles (a pack of red and gold can last year round, and is great for the holidays too; bold red, white, and blue might not look right all year, but they work perfectly for any nautical look in the summer) and you’re ready to go! Grab some friends, food, and fireworks, and have a happy fourth!


Want a Free Stylist?

Let me introduce you to this cool little thing I found on the internet the other day: Keaton Row. It’s this handy tool that’s going to change the whole landscape of personal styling. Here’s what it does: You create an account to either get styled or become a personal stylist. If you choose to get styled, you get matched up with a stylist who will talk to you about what you’d like or need. Then you will get a lookbook from your stylist – 5-7 full outfits and a few ‘express boutiques,’ which are just sets with choices of one item (say, jeans) that you really need and are looking for. Then, you choose whether or not you want to buy anything. If you do, your stylist gets a commission on what you buy.

Here’s where it gets personal. I recently signed up to be a stylist for this site. While the brands used for this site so far are great quality, they are not the cheapest. But, hey, why not get some inspiration and maybe score something on sale? You can sign up to get styled by me here:

What do you all think of this site? Do you think it’s great to give people the option to be their own stylist and boss, or should not everyone have the option to be a stylist? Do you think you’ll join up (use this link: or do you think it’s silly? Hopefully you do sign up, and hopefully I can help you revamp your style 🙂